About Esther

Create a Happier World Together

It is my Greatest Wish to contribute to happiness. For you, your Loved ones and the World.
A wish I have for all my life, from since I was a little girl.

I feel privileged to be able to help you, who is realizing Worldwide Wishes and Happy Making Wishes for you on Top.

It is my true belief we can create an even Happier World together. Full of Miracles.
That’s what I love to do.

Nowadays, I do this by Exclusive 1-on-1 Business Coaching (online and live) and through online training (for example Full Happiness & Miracles in Business and Life – the Video Series).

Curious about my Life Story, Greatest wish for even More Happiness & what I love to create together with you? Just read on 🙂

Create a Happier World Together

It is my Greatest Wish to contribute to happiness. For you, your Loved ones 

and the World. A wish I have for all my life, from since I was a little girl.

I feel privileged to be able to help you, who is realizing Worldwide Wishes 

and Happy Making Wishes for you on Top. It is my true belief we can create 

an even Happier World together. Full of Miracles.
That’s what I love to do.

Nowadays, I do this by Exclusive 1-on-1 Business Coaching  (online and live) 

and through online training (for example Full Happiness & Miracles in Business

and Life – the Video Series).

Curious about my Life Story, Greatest wish for even More Happiness &

what I love to create together with you? 

Just read on 🙂

When Working Together you’ll experience:

  • That even more Opportunities Open Up. Happy making & light. To realize your Wishes for you, your loved ones & the World.
  • The translation of your Greatest ideas, Most loving Wishes, Your Talent, Knowledge and Power into win-win services and products. Suiting You and your Business. Realizing an even higher value than ever expected before.
  • The Best of Both Worlds in terms of the analytical, strategic and intellectual approach combined with the knowledge and experience I have gained at a spiritual level. Always translated to practical actions and hands-on advice.
  • Miracles in all. From life to business. From even more happy making moments in daily life to insane money flows and realizing your greatest (family) dreams even more Easy. What seems impossible to others, we realize together, in a short time. Happy above all.

Some Miracle Highlights of Esther’s Life

  • For all jobs Esther was asked ‘out of the blue’, including Business Coaching later on.
  • After many, many heart breaks Esther met her husband at a very crowded festival within 1 day after manifesting with power for ‘no man for 6 months’ and if he’s there ‘he is going to do his best for me’.
  • Emigration to Sweden from the Netherlands was realized in only 6 months after one question was asked the fifth time in a row; It suddenly dawned Esther Sweden was the place to live for her and her family.
  • At home the decision to emigrate was made within one minute, while Xaviér was only 8 months and Esther being just recovered from a difficult period.
  • The house to rent in Sweden, which made it possible to emigrate, was assigned to Esther, Bas and Xaviér at Esther’s birthday. The sunset they saw arriving the first day, was the best One they ever saw when living there.
  • Esther and Bas bought their house at the Place Beyond their Dreams in Sweden ‘22. Fully renovated & more within one year. The place to be seemed to be the first place Bas took Esther in Sweden after their emigration: Mariefred. Meaning: Mary’s peace.

Discover Opportunities to Work Together

Discover Opportunities to Work Together

Challenges in Life & Business

If you are wondering when reading this “has Esther never experienced sad and unhappy things in life and business?” Of course, I did. And especially when I was young there were many. From dealing with insecurity, fear, rejections of myself and others, broken hearts over and over again, feeling ashamed, jealousy, being cheated, dealing with sickness around me, stalking, bullying, be on fire (even though luckily it was just my hair 😉) and more.

This is one of the reasons I spend over 1000 hours of research and finding out what we as human beings can do to feel happy you, even when unhappy things appear around you. Full Happiness & Miracles in Business and Life The Video Series is the result of this. Helping you feel happy you, always. Creating Miracles on top 🙂

Do you have a question, or do you want to book a Happy Business Call?

Feel free to contact me!